When you’re building a self-service platform to provide data, analytics and automation to everyone in a company or everyone using an application, your users come in all different shapes and sizes. Here at Qrvey, we support four distinct types of users on our platform. In this article, we’ll take a brief look at each of these users and explain how they all work together to bring the promise of self-service applications to your product or service.


Every Qrvey deployment needs at least one or more administrators, someone tasked with monitoring and managing the application infrastructure and user accounts. Qrvey comes with an administration application, conveniently named our “admin app,” which centralizes management tasks and makes them easy to monitor and manage. Administrators may never work with the Qrvey application itself and instead just spend all of their time inside the admin app performing tasks like monitoring data, servers and activities, setting roles and permissions and customizing the look and feel of your Qrvey deployment.


If you will be integrating Qrvey with other systems or embedding Qrvey into existing web applications, chances are you’ll probably need some developers to make it all happen. Developers primarily interact with Qrvey directly using our API or pre-built widgets and typically mostly at the beginning of a deployment. Everything you can do with the Qrvey application itself through our easy-to-use UI can also be done behind the scenes with our API. Qrvey easily integrates with all Javascript frameworks. Qrvey’s pre-built widgets are a hybrid method of working with Qrvey, blending our UI with a little bit of coding to embed the widgets exactly where you want them. Like our API, everything you can do inside of the Qrvey application can also be done with our widgets. Developers may not be needed for all Qrvey deployments. Once set up by the administrator, the creator class, discussed below, can begin working with Qrvey right away, without any developer involvement. Development resources are typically needed for integrations and embedding.


Creators are the class of user that works directly with the application to build forms, applications, analytics and workflow automations either for themselves or for others to consume or interact with. Creator accounts are provided by the administrator and these users may log into the Qrvey application itself, or simply use widgets that have been embedded into other systems by developers. Creators and developers may be the same individuals, especially at first, or they may be entirely different. One creator can build applications to support thousands of end users.

End Users This is the largest class of Qrvey user and includes anyone who will be viewing or interacting with the analytics or applications built by creators. These users may just passively receive alerts and notifications or they may be highly engaged and interact with Qrvey apps on a regular basis. While not full creators on the Qrvey platform, end users may use the apps provided to build and interact with their own reports, analytics and workflows, fulfilling the promise of true self-service applications.

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