Qrvey Support

Managed Infrastructure Package

Qrvey’s expert AWS DevOps team will manage all aspects of the Qrvey platform, deployed within your AWS environment. The DevOps team will monitor platform health, respond to service outages, install patches and upgrades, as well as configure monitoring alerts for specific hardware utilization and billing thresholds.

Who Is This For?

Customers looking to outsource the management, monitoring and configuration of their Qrvey related AWS infrastructure.

What Do You Get?

  • Upgrades & Patches automatically deployed to your Qrvey instance as they are officially released.
  • Elastic Scaling of hardware resources used by the Qrvey instance to match platform usage volume.
  • Usage & Alerts based on your custom platform usage and billing thresholds.
  • Infrastructure Security management of IAM users and platform access keys, as well as configuration of subnets and VPCs.
  • AWS Billing Management for charges incurred by Qrvey platform usage.